what i do in my vacations 

    all started when i go the 6 of january i go to the farm of my grandparent but it was no like this 
    or like this 

    it was more like 

    but it was great it haved a river a lot of trees a lot of cows and a lot of horses.
    the farm is ubicated at la dorada so to get from chia to the farm you have to be in a car for 6 hours
    so the first day we don´t do anything 

    the second day

    the second day we wake up at 7 of the morning so we can go at 9 to go to see the farm in horse. at that hour the sun is very very hot and to walk completly around the farm at foot you waste like 21 houres so you got to do it at horse and that makes it like 7 hores but because you got to eat and that al stuff you got to do it like in pieces so the 2 day we see 1 of the part of the farm

    the thirth day 


